Be A Trend On Instagram
How to be a top Instagram trend? And what exactly does it mean to be an Instagram trend? That means your post pops up first among the other results of an explore page or a specific hashtag page. This means your business is highly visible to many people even to those who don’t follow your page. Since Instagram's explore page algorithm changes all the time, and users have no access to this information, building a strong Instagram presence is the only thing you can control. It takes time, effort, and consistency. You have to interact with your followers often by asking them a question in the caption or asking them to like your photo. This builds relationship between your business and follower and they are more likely to follow your page and look for your posts. You can ask your followers to tag their friends to let them know about your product updates or any sale for more customer engagement. All these will get you a wider Instagram network fetching you more likes and comments. Wider the network there are more chances of your posts getting displayed on the explore page. Obviously to get on the Explore page, you have to get many likes on your photo, in a quick time. For that, all you need is a high quality visually appealing poster with an engaging content to connect with people. The faster you get likes and comments on your post, you will easily be a trend on Instagram.